Land the LEADERSHIP ROLE you want

without working harder

Your senior leadership role awaits: Our team of coaches will work 1-on-1 with you to fast-track your promotion to the leadership table.

For corporate women who are unacknowledged high-performers and want to climb the ladder without sacrificing their personal lives.

When you click APPLY, I will ask you some questions to get to know you…I’m just really trying to help women who are ready to do this now and want results quickly.

As soon as you join us…

You’ll get hours back in your week

Stop juggling and feeling like a slave to other peoples’ agenda, and honour your time while enhancing your reputation. You’ll get hours back immediately every week for strategic work and your personal life.

Get to the strategic work

You’re probably already strategically-minded, but can’t get to it. When you join, you’ll step out of the operational and urgent tasks to finally get to the important stuff without adding work hours to your day.

And, you’ll get your name to the top of the “next to be promoted” list…

Get invited to executive meetings, speak up so you’re seen as an AUTHORITY, present instead of contributing to someone else’s presentation.

You’ll gain a firm voice, recognition, and respect.

…so you get the LEADERSHIP ROLE you want and PAY you deserve

Hi! I’m Jen.

After spending 20+ years working in corporates and consulting to them, studying them for my PhD and then teaching leadership…

I’ve learned a few things about what it takes to get the attention of executives.

I’ve developed a unique leadership coaching program for women, that will give you an edge over other high-performing managers, so you get next leadership role that opens up.

I’ll give you my exact process to get promoted in the next 6 months. By following my guidance, my clients have gone from overlooked to strategic and respected as high-potential leaders.

You’ll get the tools, strategy and support you need to lead like a visionary and inspirational leader.

As a result, you’ll get the acknowledgement from your executive team so you get the leadership role and the pay you want.

You’re constantly meeting deadlines and delivering results but your boss keeps telling you you’re not ready for the next level.

You’re a high-performer but you want to be seen as a “leader” instead of a “workhorse”

Tired of contributing to other peoples’ success instead of leading projects and people

Saying “yes” to extra projects and over-delivering, but not being acknowledged for it

And you’re frustrated watching others get promoted over you.

You’re ready to dig into your own mindset that is blocking you from your seat at the leadership table.

Navigating manager and leadership roles can be one of the most stressful experiences for a professional woman.

There is more leadership advice out there than ever before, telling women which behaviours they should try to implement to be better leaders.

But putting these behaviours into action in real time often can be frustrating at best, and impossible at worst. 

The problem is subconscious programming drives 90% of our behaviour

So, how do you ever expect to change your leadership behaviours and get promoted without addressing your subconscious programming?

Freeing yourself from limiting subconscious programming is the most effective way to lead like a visionary.

  • Learn practical and mindset shifting tools to get to the strategic work, gain opportunities to show your capabilities at the leadership table and then shine

  • Identify your unique subconscious beliefs and patterns keeping you from showing the leadership behaviours needed to get you promoted

  • Release these thought patterns so that you shift from frenzy and frustration to composure and confidence

So you are seen as an AUTHORITY and GET THE PROMOTION you want.


It is a unique leadership development program specifically designed for unacknowledged female middle managers who:

  • want to ACCELERATE your path to a director or executive role

  • know you have amazing leadership skills within you but unsure how to STAND OUT

  • prefer a mix of online self-learning and personalized coaching

  • are ready to dig into your subconscious beliefs and patterns

  • are willing to commit to an hour per week for your personal development

How is this program different?

  1. This is different from other leadership programs in that instead of a few days of workshops, we give you ongoing tools and weekly coaching to address your personal issues and maintain momentum.

  2. It differs from other online programs in that it is high-touch - you get 6 one-on-one calls plus weekly group coaching to keep you moving forward.

  3. It is ALSO different from having an executive coach that may haphazardly help you with situational issues. This is a process specifically designed to help you shift out of “delivering and deadlines” to get to the strategic stuff quickly and act like the leader you already are - within weeks.

Here’s your next step

1. Click the APPLY NOW button below and you’ll be taken to a short application

2. I will ask you questions to get to know you. I’ll also ask you if you’re ready to do this NOW or if this is a later thing.. I’m really trying to help the people who want help and results now.

What people are saying

“Your program is incredible. The sessions are extremely helpful and the content is exceptional.”

— Shannon

“I used to religiously stay up late, til 4 in the morning, editing. And now I let people wait. I’m done working til 4am. Now, I stop work at 6, like everybody else and my time is my time. ”


“In virtual work settings are blurring the work-life boundaries, busy is the normal state, and burnout is plaguing the workforce, Jennifer’s keynote casts a sliver of hope.

Elucidating the root cause(s) of busyness, highlighting the role of beliefs in creating it, and providing tools to support the long “unbusying” journey, the talk provoked a deep inquiry into our personal beliefs and their roots, and instilled a desire to actively and promptly start changing the status quo of work-life balance.”


“It was an amazing call and I am still processing it. So many Aha moments! I really really appreciate all your feedback and insights and I am super excited for the breakthroughs I feel I had!”