Are you a senior leader, crazy-busy and trying to power through?

You might feel like you can’t take the pressure anymore, but you know you must just push through until the end of the year. Or, like everyone is piling work on that they want completed before year-end. And that you are responsible for results that you must achieve, and want to ensure that you do not fail, at all costs.

If this resonates, you might be caught in a vicious hustle spiral.

If you’re trapped in this spiral, you are likely trying to be independent. You may think that to be a strong leader you shouldn’t need other people.

So, you are reluctant to ask for help from your boss and colleagues because it might be seen as weakness. You may even have trouble delegating to your own team because deep down, you feel the need to “do” – the need to produce tangible results, reports and analyses.

You likely take on problems and projects that may not always be yours to accept. You say “yes” because feel you feel responsible for results and want to do your part. If you say “no”, it might harm your reputation or your job.

To try to stay on top of it all, you’ve been working nights and weekends, giving up your own time in the name of responsibility. You’re trying to hand off work but feel you have no one qualified to delegate to, or that you’ll spend just as much time fixing whatever your team does.

There is no amount of work that will get you to the bottom of the to-do list.

But there is good news.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

To break free from this spiral, you need to identify your beliefs about your value at work and how you create this value.

You can take a step towards healing these beliefs by downloading my free Journey From Busy to Being roadmap here.

Inside, I share secrets for witnessing unnecessary areas of busyness and releasing the underlying beliefs.


Too busy to get to the important stuff? This is the root cause.